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Professor of Sociology

Sociology and Anthropology Department

College of Staten Island of the City University of New York

2800 Victory Boulevard, Office 4S-227

Staten Island, NY 10314







Sociology Doctoral Program,

Women's and Gender Studies Program, and

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

Graduate Center of the City University of New York

365 Fifth Avenue

New York City, NY 10016




Master of Science in Education (MSEd)

Mental Health Counseling Program

School of Education at Hunter College of the City University of New York

May 2023


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Sociology Program; Women's Studies Certificate Program

The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, New York City

February 1, 2003


Master of Theological Studies

Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

June 1992


Bachelor of Arts, Magna cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa
Psychology major with honors; Women Studies minor

Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Grade Point Average: 3.86/4.0; Phi Beta Kappa, Dean's List, Alpha Lambda Delta

May 1989


Semester Abroad
La Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, Spain

Proficient in Spanish
Spring 1987



Books completed

The Roads to Hillbrow: Making Life in South Africa's Community of Migrants. Ron Nerio and Jean Halley. New York, NY: Fordham University Press, 2022.


Horse Crazy: Girls and the Lives of Horses. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, 2019.


Seeing Straight: An Introduction to Gender and Sexual Privilege. Jean Halley and Amy Eshleman. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc., January 2017.


The Parallel Lives of Women and Cows: Meat Markets. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.


Seeing White: An Introduction to White Privilege and Race. Jean Halley, Amy Eshleman and Ramya Mahadevan Vijaya. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2011; second edition 2022.

Boundaries of Touch: Parenting and Adult-Child Intimacy. Champaign, Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 2007.

The Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social. Edited by Patricia Ticineto Clough with Jean Halley. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 2007.


Peer reviewed articles
"Teaching About Institutional Discrimination and Personal Responsibility," Amy Eshleman, Jean Halley and Victoria Felix. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI): Innovation and Collaboration Across Disciplines. Edited by S. B. Storms, Sarah Donovan, & T. P. Williams, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield (2020).


"Self-Identified Feminist Mothers' Naming Practices for Their Children: Accepting Being 'as Feminist as Everyone' Else," Women's Studies (An Inter-disciplinary Journal). Amy Eshleman and Jean Halley, 45: 1-15, April 2016; scientific journal ranking .121, more information about the journal can be found at (http://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=24329&tip=sid&clean=0).


"My Not-at-all-private Metamorphosis: On the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and Public School Spaces," Women on the Role of Public Higher Education: Personal Reflections from CUNY's Graduate Center. Edited by Deborah S. Gambs and Rose M. Kim. New York City: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.


The Culture of Class and its Economic Impact. Ramya Vijaya, Amy Eshleman and Jean Halley. Review of Black Political Economics. August 28, 2014. Available at: <http://link.springer.com/journal/12114/onlineFirst/page/1>; scientific journal ranking.173, more information about the journal can be found at (http://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=24200&tip=sid).


Students Teaching Students: A Method for Collaborative Learning. Jean Halley, Courtney Heiserman, Victoria Felix and Amy Eshleman. Learning Communities and Research and Practice, 1(3), Article 7, 2013. Available at: <http://washingtoncenter.evergreen.edu/lcrpjournal/vol1/iss3/7>; impact factor/scientific journal ranking not available, more information about the journal can be found at (http://washingtoncenter.evergreen.edu/lcrpjournal/about.html).


On the Ability to See Rabbits: Stories Involving a Girl, Her Grandmothers and Aging Vision. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 25:2, 2012, 183-188; scientific journal ranking .326, more information about the journal can be found at (http://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=200147111&tip=sid).


The Production of Girl Life. Essay in volume Qualitative Inquiry and the Politics of Advocacy. Edited by Norman K. Denzin and Michael D. Giardina. Walnut Creek, California: Left Coast Press, Inc., 2012.


Genealogy: A Tale of Two Families and a Cat. Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies, 11:2, 2011; scientific journal ranking .362, more information about the journal can be found at (http://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=5700160619&tip=sid).


The Death of a Cow. Essay in volume Qualitative Inquiry and Social Justice. Edited by Norman K. Denzin and Michael D. Giardina. Walnut Creek, California: Left Coast Press, Inc., 2009.


The Wire. Essay in volume The Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social. Edited by Patricia Ticineto Clough with Jean Halley. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 2007.


Ranch Style: A History Told in Carpets. Qualitative Inquiry, 11:4, August 2005, 514-517; impact factor 1.934, ranked 7 out of 95 interdisciplinary social science journals.


The Cleaning Lady: An Exploration of Class and Gender in a Rural Wyoming Family. Qualitative Inquiry, 11:2, April 2005, 191-197; impact factor 1.934, ranked 7 out of 95 interdisciplinary social science journals.


To Speak of My Mother. Qualitative Inquiry, 9:1, February 2003, 49-56; impact factor 1.934, ranked 7 out of 95 interdisciplinary social science journals.


This I Know: An Exploration of Remembering Childhood and Knowing Now. Qualitative Inquiry, 6:3, September 2000, 349-358; impact factor 1.934, ranked 7 out of 95 interdisciplinary social science journals.


This I Know: An Exploration of Remembering Childhood and Knowing Now. Qualitative Inquiry Reader, Sage 2001, 91-103.


From Coney Island to Las Vegas in the Urban Imaginary: Discursive practices of growth and decline. Sharon Zukin, Robert Baskerville, Miriam Greenberg, Courtney Guthreau, Jean Halley, Mark Halling, Kristin Lawler, Ron Nerio, Rebecca Stack, Alex Vitale and Betsy Wissinger. Urban Affairs Review. May 1998, pages 627-654.


Literary publications

Recalculating Amy, Jean Halley and Lore Segal. The Antioch Review, Fall 2018.


Perceived as Normal, Jean Halley and Amy Eshleman. The Political Anthropologist, February 1, 2017. Available at: < http://www.politicalanthropologist.com/2017/02/01/perceived-as-normal/>.


Killing Deer. Harper's Magazine, November 2013.


Recalculating the Berkshires, Jean Halley and Lore Segal. The Antioch Review, July 2013.


Book reviews and other publications
To Ashes We Shall Return. Anandabazar Patrika, July 6, 2003, Calcutta, India (published in Bengali in the Sunday supplement of this major Calcutta newspaper read by an estimated 6 million people).


Book review of Inequality by Design: Cracking the Bell Curve Myth. By Claude S. Fischer, et al. Theoretical Criminology: An International Journal. February 1998.



Book review of Jean Halley, The Parallel Lives of Women and Cows: Meat Markets by Desiree Yomtoob. Qualitative Inquiry, October 5, 2017.
Book review of Jean Halley, The Parallel Lives of Women and Cows: Meat Markets by Erica Johnson. Qualitative Inquiry, July 4, 2016.
Book review of Jean Halley, The Parallel Lives of Women and Cows: Meat Markets by Rose M. Kim. Qualitative Inquiry, July 4, 2016.
Book review of Jean Halley, The Parallel Lives of Women and Cows: Meat Markets by Heather Fraser. Anthrozoös: A Multidisciplinary Journal of the Interactions of People and Animals
       28, 3, 2015, pages 521-522.


Book review of Jean Halley, Boundaries of Touch: Parenting and Adult-Child Intimacy by Martine Hackett. Contemporary Sociology 37, 5, August 2008, pages 439-440.


Book review of Jean Halley, Boundaries of Touch: Parenting and Adult-Child Intimacy by Tomaz Krpic. Sociological Research Online, 2010, <http://www.socresonline.org.uk/15/1/reviews/3.html>.


Book review of Patricia Ticineto Clough with Jean Halley, The Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social by Theresa Enright. Politics and Culture, 2, 2008.


Book review of Patricia Ticineto Clough with Jean Halley, The Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social by Scott Grills. Canadian Journal of Sociology 33, 1, 2008, pages 189-191.


Book review of Patricia Ticineto Clough with Jean Halley, The Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social by Sarah Harkness. Contemporary Sociology, 37, 6, 2008, pages 604-605.


Book review of Patricia Ticineto Clough with Jean Halley, The Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social by Melissa Autumn White. Topia, 19, spring 2008, pages 181-188.


Book review of Patricia Ticineto Clough with Jean Halley, The Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social by Susan Cook. Women's Studies, 37, 3, April/May 2008, pages 327-329.


Book review of Patricia Ticineto Clough with Jean Halley, The Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social by Jeff Pruchnic. Criticism 50, 1, winter 2008, pages 160-175.


Book review of Patricia Ticineto Clough with Jean Halley, The Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social by Mike Hirsch. International Social Science Review, 84, 1 and 2, December 2008, pages 89-90.


Book review of Patricia Ticineto Clough with Jean Halley, The Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social by Hyoejin Yoon. College Literature 36, 2, spring 2009, pages 155-157.


Book review of Patricia Ticineto Clough with Jean Halley, The Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social by William Mazzarella. American Journal of Sociology, 114, 6, May 2009, pages 1876-1879.


Book review of Patricia Ticineto Clough with Jean Halley, The Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social by Rebecca Wanzo. American Quarterly, 61, 4, December 2009, pages 967-978.



Soledad O'Brien Recommends These Books, Book Authority, 2020, https://bookauthority.org/profile/soledad-obrien?fbclid=IwAR2xHeqS84Xg4_Yx55TT6XArjh37rftGTXPj-KY_-ZHQPFWo5THQyRgriwI


2020 Summer Reading List: What We're Reading (And Why) by Cheryl Witty-Castillo. Noëlle Floyd Book Club, July 17, 2020, https://www.noellefloyd.com/blogs/sport/2020-summer-reading-list-what-we-re-reading-this-summer-and-why-we-love-it


Why Women Love Horses: From Horse-Crazy Girl to Adult, Women Naturally Gravitate to Horses by Pat Raia. Horse Illustrated, May 2020.


I Want You to Touch Me: Skin Hunger and Digital Dysphoria in a Pandemic by Christina Tesoro. Autostraddle, April 30, 2020, https://www.autostraddle.com/i-want-you-to-touch-me-skin-hunger-and-digital-dysphoria-in-a-pandemic/


Book review of Jean Halley, Horse Crazy: Girls and the Lives of Horses by Pat Raia. Horse Welfare News: Good News Friday, September 20, 2019, https://horsewelfarenews.com/f/horses-help-women-feel-fearless-empowered-sociologist-says


Book review of Jean Halley, Horse Crazy: Girls and the Lives of Horses by Christine Meunier. Equus Education, September 2019, http://equus-blog.com/horse-crazy-by-jean-omalley-halley/.



Professor, Sociology Doctoral Program at the
Graduate Center of the City University of New York

-teaching "Queer and Feminist Methodologies."
Fall 2022


Professor, Master of Arts in Liberal Studies at the
Graduate Center of the City University of New York

-teaching "Feminist Texts and Contexts."

-teaching "Contemporary Feminist Theories."

Spring 2016, Spring 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2019, Spring 2021, Spring 2022


Professor, Women's and Gender Studies Program at the
Graduate Center of the City University of New York

-teaching "Research Methods in Women's and Gender Studies

Spring 2021

Professor, Sociology and Anthropology Department at the
College of Staten Island of the City University of New York
-teaching "Class/Status/Power," "Sociological Issues," "Food, Self and Society," "Meat Markets, Gender and Violence in the Lives of Humans and Other Animals," "Introduction to Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies," "Research Seminar," "Minority Groups," and "Violence and Gender."


Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology Department at Wagner College
-teaching "Introduction to Sociology," "American Society and Its Social Problems," "The Modern Self: Race, Class and Gender at Work," "Race Matters and Gendered Selves in American Society," "Making Privilege Visible: Seeing Power in Race, Class and Gender," "Growing up Female," "The Family," "Sexualities and the Social," "Queer Lives," Violence and Aggression," Sex, Gender and Sexuality in Tanzania: Writing Women's Lives," "Senior Reflective Tutorial," and "Senior Seminar," courses as a full-time, tenured professor.

-adviser for the Family Studies/Social Work Concentration of the Sociology Major.

Assistant Professor, Sociology Department at Moravian College
-taught "Introduction to Sociology," "Social Class in America," "Race, Ethnic and Gender Relations," and "Fieldwork in Sociology" courses as a full-time, tenure-track professor.



Substitute Assistant Instructor, Women's Studies Program at Hunter College of the City University of New York

-taught "Growing up Female," "Introduction to Women's Studies," and "Women and the Media" classes.

Spring 2001


Adjunct Instructor, Film and Media Studies Program and Women's Studies Program at Hunter College of the City University of New York

-taught "Introduction to Media Studies," "Women and the Media," "Growing Up Female," and "Introduction to Women's Studies," classes.

Summer 1997, spring 1998, 1998-1999, fall 1999, summer 2001


Adjunct Instructor, Women's Studies Program at Queens College of the City University of New York

-taught "Introduction to Women's Studies" class.

Fall 1997


Adjunct Lecturer for Dr. Stuart Ewen at Hunter College of the City University of New York

-taught two discussions sections each semester, and lectured periodically for Dr. Ewen's "Introduction to Media Studies" class.

1996-1997, 1997-1998, fall 1998, fall 1999



Chi Sigma Iota Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society International

Hunter College, City University of New York, New York
-chosen by the Hunter College Mu Sigma Rho Chapter to be initiated into this honor society.



Visiting Research Scholar
Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies on Racism (CEMFOR)

Uppsala University

Engelska parken, Thunbergsv. 3C, vån 3 hus 22

(Postal address: Box 511, 751 20 Uppsala)

Uppsala, Sweden

January to March 2019


City University of New York Office of Research Book Completion Award
-selected in this CUNY-wide competition for a $5000 grant to support the publication of Horse Crazy: Girls and the Lives of Horses (University of Georgia Press, forthcoming 2019)



Professional Staff Congress of the City University of New York (PSC CUNY) Award
College of Staten Island of the City University of New York
-selected by CUNY faculty to receive this competitive award for a course release

2014 to 2015, 2015-2016, 2017-2018 and 2019-2020


Dean's Research Grant Award

Staten Island of the City University of New York
-chosen to receive this a special fellowship in support of current research



Civic Engagement Recognition Award
Wagner College, Staten Island, New York

-honored for service and teaching work in the Wagner College and Staten Island community.

Spring 2010


Faculty Award for Exceptional Performance in Teaching
Wagner College, Staten Island, New York

-selected by the faculty to be recognized for exceptional performance in teaching with this competitive award and a stipend of $1,000.

Fall 2009

Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society
Wagner College, Staten Island, New York

-chosen by Omicron Delta Kappa Wagner College students to be initiated into the Wagner College ODK Circle.


Faculty Award for Exceptional Performance in Research
Wagner College, Staten Island, New York

-selected by the faculty to be recognized for extensive research with this competitive award and a stipend of $1,000.

Fall 2008


Diversity Award

Wagner College, Staten Island, New York

-honored by the Diversity Action Council of Wager College for promoting diversity and cultural awareness on campus.

Fall 2007


Visiting Research Scholar
The Center for the Study of Women and Society

The Graduate Center of the City University of New York

365 Fifth Avenue

New York City, NY 10016-4309

Fall 2006


Maureen Robinson Fellowship
Wagner College, Staten Island, New York

-recognized as a Maureen Robinson Fellow with a stipend of $4,000 to support final research for the forthcoming book, Boundaries of Touch: Parenting and Adult-Child Intimacy.

Summer 2006


Vagina Warrior Award
Wagner College, Staten Island, New York

-chosen by Wagner College students to be a Vagina Warrior, presented and celebrated at their production of The Vagina Monologues as someone who has done extensive work for women's rights.



Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
Princeton, New Jersey

-awarded Woodrow Wilson-Johnson & Johnson Dissertation Grant in Children's Health

grant for dissertation research on twentieth century United States ideologies of adult-child touch.


Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Writing Fellowship
City University of New York

-awarded $22,000 per year to develop the Writing Across the Curriculum Program (WAC) at Hunter College of the City University of New York.



Conviction Project Seminar Grantee
The Graduate Center of the City University of New York
-awarded stipend to be part of the Conviction Project "Prisons Without Walls" seminar.

-researched the development of the prison/industrial complex and concerns such as the impact of the privatization of prisons on those imprisoned.



Leopold Schepp Foundation
New York City, New York

-funded for graduate studies at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.

1996-1997, 1997-1998, 1998-1999


Colorado College
Colorado Springs, Colorado

-awarded grant for travel to Nicaragua with the Princeton Women's Delegation to study the Nicaraguan Women's Movement.

January 1989



"The Shadow of My Story: Violence and a Family that Refused to Remember," Jean Halley with Ozlem Goner at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

October 4, 2023.


Spoke on a Panel of New Members of the Sociology Doctoral Faculty about Their Research

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

May 12, 2023.


Tastes Like War by Grace M Cho Great Reads Virtual Town Hall Discussion and Panel with Rose M Kim and Prince Cunningham

at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York

November 9, 2022

"Gender-Based Violence and White Supremacy in the Western United States," invited to present at the Columbia Seminar on Women and Society, Columbia University, New York City, NY, November 22, 2021.


"Horse Crazy: Girls and the Lives of Horses" book talk at the CUNY Academy for the Humanities and Sciences, City University of New York, New York City, NY, November 17, 2021.


"What is White Privilege," invited to present with Amy Eshleman and moderator Amina Shikupilwa at the College of Staten Island of the City University of New York, New York City, NY, December 7, 2020.


"White Privilege and Justice," invited to present on a Macaulay Peace Action panel, "Reproductive Health and Justice," at Macaulay Honors College at the City University of New York, New York City, NY, December 4, 2020.


"Horse Crazy Girls and the Lives of Horses" guest lecture for the Engaging Vulnerability Program at Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, October 9, 2019.


"Communicating, Politics, Power and Justice," guest lecture at the Newman Institute, invited by Dr Brian Palmer, Uppsala, Sweden, October 7, 2019.


"Girls and Horses: A Love Story," reading and talk with Matthew Sharpe at Book Culture at 536 West 112 Street, New York City, NY, October 2, 2019.


"Horse Crazy Girls and Their Challenged to Gender Norms," New York Metropolitan American Studies Association (NYMASA) Salon Talk at Hunter College of the City University of New York, New York City, NY, September 18, 2019.


"Girls and the Passion for Horses," reading and talk with Erica Johnson at Community Bookstore at 143 Seventh Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, September 10, 2019.


"Horse Crazy: Girls and the Lives of Horses," reading and talk at Shakespeare & Company Bookstore at 2020 Broadway, New York City, NY, July 9, 2019.


"A Horse Crazy Girlhood: Growing Up in the Western United States," reading and talk at Bookworks Bookstore in Albuquerque, NY, June 29, 2019.


"My Grandfather and the Ku Klux Klan," guest lecture for the Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies on Racism (CEMFOR) at Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, February 26, 2019.


"Violence, Trauma and Courage," guest lecture in Courage That Changes the World course at Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, February 18, 2019.


"Social Thought, Justice and Religious Experience," guest lecture at the Newman Institute, invited by Dr Brian Palmer, Stockholm, Sweden, February 5, 2019.


"Sleepwalking into Extinction: Elaine Scarry's S.O.S. to Scholars of Religion," panel with Elaine Scarry on thermonuclear extinction at the American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting 2017, Boston, MA, November 19, 2017.


"Boundaries of Touch: Human Development, Parenting and the Question of Touching Children," guest lecture at the Silberman School of Social Work, Hunter College of the City University of New York, New York City, November 9, 2017.


"Seeing Gender and Sexual Privilege" with Amy Eshleman by special invitation, guest lecture for the Church of the Village Oscar Wilde Temple, Manhattan, NY, November 7, 2017.


"Killing Deer, Violence and Nonhuman Animals," guest lecture at Wagner College, One Campus Road, Staten Island, NY, October 12, 2017.


"The Invisibility of Gender and Sexual Privilege" with Amy Eshleman by special invitation, guest lecture for the Pride Center of Staten Island, 25 Victory Boulevard, Staten Island, NY, October 6, 2017.


"Seeing Straight: An Introduction to Gender and Sexual Privilege" with Amy Eshleman by special invitation, guest lecture for Women's History Month at Fairleigh Dickinson University, Morristown, NJ, March 22, 2017.


"Seeing Race and White Privilege" with Amy Eshleman by special invitation, guest lecture in the Cultural Anthropology class of Jaime Amparo Alves, College of Staten Island of the City University of New York, March 21, 2017.


"Horse Crazy: Girls and the Lives of Horses," Women's and Gender Studies Program, Graduate Center of the City University of New York, November 15, 2016.


"Boundaries of Touch: Human Development and Ways of Thinking about Touching Children," guest lecture at the Silberman School of Social Work, Hunter College of the City University of New York, New York City, November 3, 2016.


"An Intersection of Animal, Disability, Gender and Queer Studies: Horse Crazy Girls," Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, March 17, 2016.


"My Not-at-all-private Metamorphosis: On the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and Public School Spaces," Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, New York City, March 1, 2015.


"Unexpected Kindness," paper presented at the Tenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Conference 2014, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, May 21-24, 2014.


"Living with the Animals – Meet Meat: Three Angles on What We Eat and Its Effect on Land, Community, and Self," Dean's Symposium panel with President William Fritz and Professor Deborah Popper, College of Staten Island of the City University of New York, Staten Island, NY, March 27, 2014.


"Eating Animals" by special invitation to guest lecture on this Women's History Month panel at Kingsborough Community College of the City University of New York, Brooklyn, NY, March 19, 2014.


"The Tenacity of Whiteness: Race in the Contemporary United States" by special invitation, guest lecture at Wagner College, Staten Island, NY, February 19, 2014.


"Starting Places," organized, chaired and presented on a spotlight panel, "Performing Beginnings: Grand and Other Mothers," at the Ninth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Conference 2013, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, May 17, 2013.


"The Production of Animal Life: The Early United States Cattle Business," invited to present on a plenary panel, "The Iconography of the West: Auto/Ethnographic Representations of the West(erns)," at the Ninth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Conference 2013, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, May 17, 2013.


"The Parallel Lives of Women and Cows: Meat Markets" by special invitation, guest lecture at Wagner College, Staten Island, NY, March 21, 2013.


"My Queer Life" by special invitation of the Gay Straight Alliance at Wagner College, Staten Island, NY, March 7, 2013.


"Inventing Homosexuality and the Life of Alfred Charles Kinsey" by special invitation, guest lecture at Wagner College, Staten Island, NY, October 24, 2012.


"Seeing White: An Introduction to White Privilege and Race" by special invitation, guest lecture at Fordham University, Manhattan, NY, October 1, 2012.


"Michel Foucault and the Production of Girl Life," invited to present on a panel, "Performing Ethnography," at the Eighth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Conference 2012, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, May 19, 2012.


"On the Ability to See Rabbits: Stories Involving a Girl, Her Grandmothers and Aging Vision," invited to present on a plenary panel, "Narrative and Performance I," at the Seventh International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Conference 2011, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, May 20, 2011.


"Writing Violence, Trauma and Questions of Resistance," invited to present on a plenary panel, "Exploring Methods, Writing Experimentally: Questions of Representation of Self and Other," at the Seventh International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Conference 2011, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, May 20, 2011.


"Genealogy in Motion: A Tale of Two Families, One Horse and a Wire," invited to present on a plenary panel, "Narrative and Performance I," at the Sixth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Conference 2010, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, May 29, 2010.


"The Death of a Cow: Slaughterhouses and Dying in our Time," invited to present on a plenary panel, "Narrative and Performance," at the Fifth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Conference 2009, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, May 23, 2009.


"Child Sexual Abuse, Culture and the Family" by special invitation, guest lecture at Fordham University, Bronx, NY, March 12, 2009.


"Ranch Style: A History Told in Carpets," invited to present on a plenary panel, "Narratives," at the Fourth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Conference 2008, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, May 17, 2008.


"Meat Markets: The Parallel Lives of Women and Cows," spotlight panel presentation at the Fourth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Conference 2008, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, May 16, 2008.


"The Wire" by special invitation, guest speaker at the Ethnographic Dreamworlds 2008, Ninth Annual Sociology Conference at Buffalo State College Buffalo Sociology Conference in Buffalo, NY, April 2008.


"Violent Touch: Feminists, Conservatives, and Child Sexual Abuse" by special invitation, guest lecture co-sponsored by the Women's Center as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, at the State University of New York College at Old Westbury, Old Westbury, NY, April 2, 2008.


"Beyond the Mommy Wars," presenter on panel with Ann Crittenden and Ruth Sidel at Wagner College, New York City, September 12, 2007.


"Boundaries of Touch: Parenting and Adult-Child Intimacy," presentation at the Third International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Conference, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, May 5, 2007.


"Touching Problems: Feminists, Conservatives and Child Sexual Abuse," presentation on the "Sex Panics" panel, at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, August 16, 2005.


"Babies in Bed: To Sleep or Not to Sleep (with Your Baby)," presentation on the "Mothers in Families" roundtable session, at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, August 16, 2005.


"An Ethnography of Trauma: Intimate Violence in Rural Wyoming," presentation on a panel chaired by Patricia Ticineto Clough on "Pedagogies of Memory and Trauma," at the Fifth International Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, June 27, 2004.


Panel respondent to film maker Begonya Plaza at the screening of her film "Souvenir Views," Wagner College, January 27, 2004.


"Notions of Freedom in the Western United States," at the Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society Annual Conference, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, October 26, 2002.


"Blood, Beef and Freedom in Rural Wyoming," presentation on a panel with Judith Lorber, Lisa Jean Moore, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick and Michele Wallace for the Women's Studies Certificate Program and Center for the Study of Women and Society Ninth Annual Book Party, the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, New York City, May 3, 2002.


"To Speak of My Mother," at the Midwest Sociological Society, Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April 4-7, 2002.


"Studying Child Rearing Practices," in a panel on "Disciplinary Disruptions: The Fantasmatic Undoing of Sociological Categories," at the Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society Annual Conference, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, November 9-11, 2001.


"The Symptomatic Performance of Trauma," in a panel with Patricia Ticineto Clough and Catherine Silver at the Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society Annual Conference, Columbia University, New York City, October 29-31, 1999.


"This I Know: An Exploration of Remembering Childhood and Knowing Now," at the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, August 7-8, 1999.


"Feminism: Then and Now," presentation on a panel with Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Ann Snitow, Debra Dantzler and Jennifer Disney for the Women and Society Seminar at Columbia University, New York City, May 17, 1999.


"Gram's House," in a panel on "The Embodiments and Disembodiments of Intimate Spaces: Theory and Methodology," at the Eastern Sociological Society, Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, March 4-7, 1999.


"Writing as Scholarship," presentation with Patricia Ticineto Clough for the Feminist Research Seminar of the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, New York City, March 3, 1999.


"The Violent Journey of Progress: The Myth of the American Frontier in Turner, Curtiz's Santa Fe Trail and Ford's Stagecoach," at the Eastern Sociological Society, Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 19-22, 1998.


"Las Vegas as Coney Island's Other," at the "Virtual Unreality Symposium," University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 20-22, 1996.


"Coney Island and Las Vegas: Cultural Images of Growth and Decay," at the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Annual Meeting, New York City, August 1996.



Podcast interview of Jean Halley

regarding Halley's current creative nonfiction memoir project

Podcast interview (taped), June 21, 2020, Jean Halley interviewed by Kathleen Collins on "Inside Voices Podcast" at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York at

< https://indoorvoicespodcast.com/2020/06/21/episode-44-jean-halley-returns/>


Podcast interviews of Jean Halley

regarding girls and horses

Podcast interview (taped), July 7, 2020, Jean Halley interviewed by Jana Byars on "The New Books Network" at https://newbooksnetwork.com/jean-halley-horse-crazy-girls-and-the-lives-of-horses-u-georgia-press-2019/


Podcast interview (taped), November 6, 2019, Jean Halley interviewed by Tanya L. Domi on "The Thought Project Podcast" at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.


Podcast interview (taped), April 15, 2019, Jean Halley interviewed by Kathleen Collins on "Inside Voices Podcast" at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York at <https://indoorvoicespodcast.com/2019/04/15/episode-30-jean-halley-on-girls-and-horses/>


Radio interviews of Jean Halley

regarding Horse Crazy: Girls and the Lives of Horses

Radio interview (live with callers), September 26, 2019, "Wildoak Living," KZYX in Ukiah, CA with host Johanna Wildoak.


Radio interview (taped), September 25, 2019, "51%," WAMC in Albany, NY, nationally syndicated NPR carried by approximately 100 stations with host Allison Dunne.


Radio interview (taped on skype), September 17, 2019, "The Exchange," Siouxland Public Radio (National Public Radio affiliate) in Sioux City, IA with host Mary Hartnett.


Radio interview (taped on zoom), September 17, 2019, "Alternative Perspectives," WRFG in Atlanta with host Charone Pagett.


Radio and video interview (live skype interview), September 10, 2019, "The Louie Free Show," in Youngstown, Ohio with host Louie Free.


Radio interview (taped), September 5, 2019, "Once More Unto the Breach," KAOS in Olympia, WA with host John Ford.


Radio interview (live), September 5, 2019, "Conversations Live," on Blogtalkradio.com with close to 200,000 listeners to each show and on six radio stations in Mississippi, host Cyrus Webb at https://www.blogtalkradio.com/conversationslive/2019/09/05/author-jean-omalley-halley-talks-horsecrazy-on-conversationslive


Radio interview (taped September 4, 2019) broadcast on October 23, 2019, "Conversations," Kansas Public Radio, syndicated to eight public radio stations with host Dan Skinner.


Radio interview (live), September 4, 2019, "The 8:00 Buzz," WORT in Madison, WI with host Jan Miyasaki at https://www.wortfm.org/why-are-some-girls-horse-crazy/


Radio interview (live), September 3, 2019, "Jefferson Exchange," NPR in southern Oregon and syndicated to ten public radio stations with host Geoffrey Riley at https://www.ijpr.org/post/attraction-girls-and-horses#stream/0


Radio interview (live), August 30, 2019, "Connections," KGNU in Denver, CO with host Roger Wendell at https://www.kgnu.org/connections/8/30/2019


Radio interview (taped), August 30, 2019, "Thinking Aloud," WUML in Lowell, MA with host Charlotte Crockford at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OMs0V7pzMz2h8LtGZj_4dpcO2gfrR06J/view?usp=sharing


Radio interview (taped), August 27, 2019, "Ozarks at Large," Arkansas Public Radio, in Fayetteville with host Kyle Kellams.


Radio interview (live), August 25, 2019, "The Wimmin's Music Program," KKUP in Santa Cruz, CA with host Laura Testa-Reyes.


Radio interview (live), August 14, 2019, "The Frankie Boyer Show," BizTalk radio (national), and syndicated to several Boston area stations.


Radio interview (live), August 11, 2019, "Conversations with Peter Solomon," WIP in Philadelphia.


Radio interview (taped), July 30, 2019, "Conversations with Charlie Dyer," IHub Radio, in Palm Springs, CA.


Podcast interviews of Jean Halley

regarding the #MeToo Movement

Podcast interview (taped), May 9, 2018, Jean Halley interviewed by Tanya L. Domi on "The Thought Project Podcast" at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.


Radio interviews of Jean Halley

regarding the Trayvon Martin case and who's considered white

Radio interview (taped), April 5, 2012, Jean Halley interviewed by Michel Martin on "Tell Me More" at National Public Radio in New York City, NY.


Radio interviews of Jean Halley and Amy Eshleman

regarding the Trayvon Martin case

Radio interview, April 7, 2012, "Every Woman," Jean Halley and Amy Eshleman interviewed by Victoria Dixon on KKFI 90.1 FM in Kansas City, MO.


Radio interviews of Jean Halley and Amy Eshleman

regarding Seeing White: An Introduction to White Privilege and Race

Radio interview, June 1, 2012, "Feminist Edition," Jean Halley and Amy Eshleman interviewed by Charlotte Crockford on WUML 91.5 FM in Lowell, MA.


Radio interview (taped), July 27, 2011, "Perspectives" Jean Halley and Amy Eshleman interviewed by Richard Baker of Kansas State University Radio, syndicated to multiple stations.


Radio interview (taped), September 13, 2011, "KRWM Sunday Morning Mag," Jean Halley and Amy Eshleman interviewed by Kate Daniels in Seattle, WA.


Radio interview, September 17, 2011, "Every Woman," Jean Halley and Amy Eshleman interviewed by Victoria Dixon and Sharon Lockhart on KKFI 90.1 FM in Kansas City, MO.


Radio interview, September 25, 2011, Jean Halley and Amy Eshleman interviewed by Laura J. Rinaldi at KKUP in Santa Cruz, CA.


Radio interview (taped), February 7, 2012, "Open Mind," Jean Halley and Amy Eshleman interviewed by Cecilia Skidmore, Michigan Public Radio (NPR).


Radio interviews of Jean Halley

regarding Boundaries of Touch: Parenting and Adult-Child Intimacy

Radio interview, July 15, 2007, "Conversations with Peter Solomon," WIP in Philadelphia.


Radio interview, August 20, 2007, "The Frankie Boyer Show," WROL, WSRO in Boston.


Radio interview, August 21, 2007, "Lambda Radio Report," WRFG-FM in Atlanta.


Radio interview, August 22, 2007, "The 8:00 Buzz," WORT in Madison, WI.


Radio interview, August 25, 2007, "Every Woman," KKFI in Kansas City, MO.


Radio interview, August 26, 2007, "The Wimmin's Music Program," KKUP in Santa Cruz, CA.


Radio interview, August 31, 2007, Jean Halley interview by Arly Helm, KVMR-FM in GrassValley, CA.


Radio interview, September 5, 2007, "The Quilting Hour," WGDR in Plainfield, VT.


Radio interview (taped), September 5, 2007, "The WFNY Free Forum," WFNY in New York City, NY.


Radio interview, September 7, 2007, Jean Halley interview by Woody Woodland, WSMN in Nashua, NH.


Radio interview (taped), September 7, 2007, "Open Mind" with Cecilia Skidmore, Michigan Public Radio (NPR).


Radio interview (taped), September 11, 2007, Jean Halley interview by John Ford, KAOS in Evergreen, WA.


Radio interview, September 17, 2007, "Lesbian and Gay Voices," KPFT (Pacifica) in Houston, TX.


Radio interview (taped), September 18, 2007, "Perspectives" with Richard Baker, syndicated to twenty-five stations.


Radio interview (taped), September 19, 2007, "KRWM Sunday Morning Mag." with Kate Daniels in Seattle, WA.


Radio interview (taped), September 20, 2007, "Active Voice Radio," with Chris Goldstein (webcast).


Radio interview, October 21, 2007, "Forward Forum," with John Quinlan on WTDY-AM in Madison, WI.


Radio interview, October 31, 2007, "Transitions," with Bruce Wadzeck on the New Jersey Network (syndicated National Public Radio).


Radio interview, November 26, 2007, "Emotional Fitness," with Dr. Goldsmith on KCLU/NPR.


Radio interview, December 22, 2007, "Women's Voices" with Carol Boss on KUNM in Albuquerque, NM.



Outside Reader on Dissertation of Linda Anita Turner

"The Embodied Experience of the Horsewoman" at

Pacifica Graduate Institute, Carpinteria, CA



Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

College of Staten Island at the City University of New York

Alternate in Fall 2022; Member in Spring 2023


Moderated Panel on "No Place for Hate: We're Here, We're Queer, Get Used to It"

-panel for college community in response to a hate crime on campus

College of Staten Island at the City University of New York

October 11, 2022


Student Election Review Committee

College of Staten Island at the City University of New York



Moderated Panel for Department of Sociology and Anthropology Faculty New Books Talk

College of Staten Island at the City University of New York

April 28, 2022


Awards Committee of the Center for the Study of Women and Society

Graduate Center of the City University of New York

-evaluated applicants for multiple annual awards offered by the Center



Appeals Committee of the College of Staten Island of the City University of New York

-alternate committee member, 2018 to May 2021


Faculty Interest Group Discussion on "Teaching about Privilege"

Faculty Center for Professional Development at the College of Staten Island

-organized and co-facilitated this discussion

-co-organized and facilitated a panel of speakers on privilege in the classroom

March 12, 2018, April 30, 2018 and October 11, 2018


Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS) Executive Committee

Graduate Center of the City University of New York

-elected as at-large Executive Committee member, 2018-2021


University Faculty Senate (UFS) of the City University of New York (CUNY)

-elected as senator to represent the College of Staten Island faculty in this university-wide faculty governance body, May 2017 to May 2020


Status of the Faculty Standing Committee of the University Faculty Senate of the

City University of New York

-committee member, May 2017 to May 2020


Peer reviewer for Dialectical Anthropology

-reviewed manuscript submitted for publication in this research journal, 2018


Women's Center Advisory Board at the College of Staten Island

-board member, 2016-2019


LGBTQ Resource Center Advisory Board at the College of Staten Island

-committee member, 2013 to present


Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program Executive Committee at the

College of Staten Island

-committee member, 2016-2019


Diversity Council at the College of Staten Island

-committee member, 2014-2017


Chairperson at the College of Staten Island

-chaired the Sociology and Anthropology Department, July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016


Panel presentation

"Coming Out" sponsored in part by the LGBTQ Resource Center, College of Staten Island, October 24, 2016


Editorial board member of Departures in Critical Qualitative Research

-scholarly journal published four times a year (March, June, September, and December) by the University of California Press, 2014-present


Chair of Sociology and Anthropology Department Search for a Tenure Track Line

in African Diasporic Studies, College of Staten Island, fall 2014 to spring 2015


Panel presentation on "Publishing Your First Book: Advice and Informative Experiences from College of Staten Island Faculty," College of Staten Island, October 21, 2014


Member of Search Committee for Human and Animal Research Protection Program Manager

College of Staten Island, fall 2013


Peer reviewer for Gender & Society

-reviewed manuscript submitted for publication in this important gender studies journal.



Invited lecture, "Seeing White: Teaching Race in Predominantly White Undergraduate Classrooms," Jean Halley and Amy Eshleman, for the Luncheon Group of professionals in the Staten Island community, Staten Island, NY, November 3, 2011


Faculty Personnel Committee

-elected by the faculty at Wagner College to serve on this important committee making recommendations on promotion, tenure, sabbatical and faculty funding, 2010-2012


Scholar for Teaching and Learning

-chosen by the Provost to be the first Wagner College Scholar for Teaching and Learning.

-helped set up the Center for Teaching, Learning and Research.

-started, developed and co-ran two fellowships entitled Faculty Fellows for Teaching, Learning and Research.

-initiated the Wagner College "Teaching Matters" lunch discussions where faculty lead regular lunch discussions on teaching and learning issues, concerns and best practices.

-started a regular, optional midsemester diagnostics program for faculty working to improve their classes in the middle of the term.

-met one-on-one with numerous faculty to privately discuss teaching concerns.



Peer reviewer for The Sociological Quarterly

-reviewed manuscript submitted for publication in this important sociology journal, 2011


Peer reviewer for Qualitative Studies in Education

-reviewed manuscript submitted for publication to this education journal, 2011


Chair for the "After Stonewall: Staten Island's LGBTQ History" Roundtable at the "Staten Island in American History and Twenty First Century Education" Conference, College of Staten Island of the City University of New York, New York City, March 20, 2011


Peer reviewer for The International Journal of Men's Health

-reviewed manuscript submitted for publication in this men's studies journal, 2008


Advisory panelist for the Researching Families: Understanding Intimacy and Sexuality in Families project of the Open University in the United Kingdom

-advised and gave feedback on this international research project exploring how families express emotions, 2005


Peer reviewer for Qualitative Inquiry

-reviewed manuscripts submitted for publication in this sociological methods journal

2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2009, 2010


Peer reviewer for Cultural Studies: Critical Methodologies

-reviewed manuscripts submitted for publication in this cultural studies and methodology journal, 2002, 2010


Peer reviewer for Studies in Symbolic Interaction

-reviewed manuscripts submitted for publication in this research annual, 2000


Member of Criminology and Deviance Research Group at Columbia University

-invited to take part in a closed ongoing "Law and Society" research group made up of both faculty and graduate students from Columbia and other New York City universities exploring contemporary issues within the areas of criminology and deviance, 1997, 1998, 1999 



Pride Center of Staten Island, Staten Island, New York

-practicum and internship intern

-mental health counselor seeing individual clients and couples each week for psychotherapy

-helped start and cofacilitated a biweekly women's group, Women of Worth (WOW)

-took part in programing with other Pride Center groups, including Grrrl Power and SAGE September 2019 to May 2021


Nursery North Too Infant Daycare, New York City, NY

-volunteer caring for infants six weeks to fifteen months one day per week



Program Coordinator of Pathways to Housing, Inc., New York City

-directed this alternative not-for-profit housing agency working to house the most disenfranchised of New York City's homeless population.

-supervised a staff of fifteen and oversaw a budget of $500,000.

-developed and co-directed a research project with Dr. Sam Tsemberis exploring the effects of housing on people with severe psychiatric disabilities, substance addictions and long term homeless histories.



Consultant and Member of Kuleana, Mwanza, Tanzania

-invited to work with this grassroots Tanzanian organization as a consultant and an advocate for over one hundred street children in Mwanza.

Fall 1993


House Manager in Boston shelters for the homeless, Boston, Massachusetts

-Pine Street Inn/Saint Paul's Women's Shelter.


-Boston Family Shelter.

1990-1992, and spring 1993


Trained by the Solidarity Movement of Mental Health and Human Rights, Buenos Aires, Argentina

-invited to travel to Argentina for training in alternative mental health techniques working with families of the disappeared.

August 1991


Member of the Movement for Mental Health and Social Justice and the Boston Committee for Mental Health and Human Rights, Boston, Massachusetts

-belonged to these organizations within an international network.

-helped start the former; an action-reflection group.



Live-in Community Member at the Haley House Catholic Worker, Boston, Massachusetts

-lived in social justice oriented community.

-helped run the Haley House soup kitchen for homeless men.




Participant in the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference
Middlebury, Vermont
-accepted to participate in this highly competitive intensive eleven-day workshop as a nonfiction writer with Terry Tempest Williams.

August 2002


Resident at the Dorset Colony House for Writers and Performing Artists

Dorset, Vermont

-chosen to spend two weeks working on a nonfiction book at the residency.

April 1998